Goal 7
Be an employer of choice where people feel supported and happy.

We will do this by:
1. Listening to staff feedback and addressing concerns to improve staff culture
˃ Develop and implement the Your VOICE Action Plans.
˃ Hold regular Staff Forums for communication and consultation with staff on important matters.
˃ Implement a new staff portal to consolidate internal communications platforms and achieve a consistent approach to information sharing.
2. Implementing the Diversity and Inclusion Plan, including the Women@CDU gender equity initiatives
˃ Acknowledge the health and wellness issues experienced by women.
˃ Increase the recruitment of women, particularly to leadership and other underrepresented positions.
˃ Support employees with carer responsibilities at home and at work.
˃ Recognise gender equality initiatives via accreditation from external agencies.
˃ Ensure our leaders commit to and are accountable for gender equality.
3. Ensuring a healthy and safe environment for staff
˃ Renew our focus on work health and safety.
˃ Develop a staff wellbeing hub of information, resources and activities to support mental and physical health and
4. Providing opportunities for staff to connect both professionally and socially
˃ Implement a staff social club and meeting space.
˃ Hold an annual professional staff conference.
˃ Hold annual learning and teaching, training and research showcases.
˃ Prioritise staff training and development in core systems and processes.
˃ Implement Staff Succession Plans for each organisational area and key leadership roles.
5. Making process improvements
˃ Streamline processes for staff recruitment.
˃ Improve the staff orientation and onboarding processes and experiences.
˃ Review and improve core systems.
˃ Improve governance processes.
˃ Ensure compliance obligations (particularly TEQSA) are addressed.
6. Celebrating Staff Success
˃ Reinvigorate and improve the Vice-Chancellor’s Staff Awards.
˃ Hold an annual Staff Recognition Ceremony.
˃ Encourage staff recognition and success at
all levels.
Related Plans
Core Plans
˃ People Plan
Enabling Plans
˃ Governance Plan
˃ Digital Transformation and Capability Plan