Goal 4
Grow our reach and impact across the Northern Territory,
Australia and beyond.

We will do this by:
1. Making mutually beneficial connections with partners to deliver training, education and research that matters to our regions
˃ Establish a regional leadership model and framework for regional engagement across the Northern Territory and embed the model in each CDU College.
˃ Engage with community, industries, businesses, government and other partners to determine the needs of our regional communities.
˃ Implement a Regional Plan for each of the Northern Territory’s five major regions (Central Australia, Top End, Big Rivers, Barkly, and East Arnhem).
˃ Establish a mechanism for regular input and advice from regional stakeholders.
˃ Establish an alliance of Northern Australian universities.
˃ Develop a plan for leveraging the shared knowledge of the regions of Northern Australia.
2. Meeting the national workforce training, education and research needs aligned to our areas of strength
˃ Determine the strategic location of campuses, study centres and delivery sites to achieve the best outcomes for our students, communities and the University.
˃ Determine our student load priorities to ensure we offer the most attractive and viable mix of products and courses to meet market demand and workforce needs.
˃ Take our expertise in vocational education and training to online, interstate and offshore markets, increasing the reach and impact of our courses.
3. Meeting the needs of our international students and global partners
˃ Determine the best opportunities for international students to enrol and succeed, particularly in the face of global challenges.
˃ Partner in education and research opportunities with like-minded institutions in the Asia Pacific region.
˃ Drive expansion in vocational education and training for international students, onshore and offshore, to contribute to skill-building across the Asia Pacific region and beyond.
˃ Maximise the engagement opportunities provided by the CDU Confucius Institute.
4. Directing our efforts to business growth and
development for impact
˃ Engage with industry and business to determine research needs, skills gaps and address areas of workforce need.
˃ Develop a partnership with the Australian Government Department of Defence, and other relevant government/industry organisations, to assist in meeting their Northern Australia training, education and research needs.
˃ Enhance opportunities for students to become globally connected by embedding international learnings and context to curriculum.
5. Engaging with alumni and donors for mutually
beneficial outcomes
˃ Create a strong culture of philanthropy by providing donors with meaningful initiatives and programs to support.
˃ Provide alumni with the opportunity to play a part in university life by offering career mentoring, networking events, continuing education and lifelong learning.
˃ Drive philanthropic support for research streams that are important to Northern Australia.
˃ Achieve higher targets for philanthropic income.
˃ Collaborate on social impact and innovation
agendas in partnership with a range of agencies
and organisations.
Related Plans:
Core Plans
˃ Engagement and Partnership Plan
˃ Vocational Education and Training Plan
˃ Transformative Teaching and Learning Plan
˃ Student Experience and Success Plan
Enabling Plans
˃ International Growth Plan
˃ Regional and Remote Delivery Plan
˃ National Plan
˃ Advancement Plan