Goal 3

Advance our research capacity and capability to deliver quality and impact.

We will do this by:

1. Maximising research impact for end-users and the community in regional and remote Northern Australia and the Asia Pacific region
˃ Build our research capability in key Northern Australia industry sectors including primary production (agriculture), energy and mining.
˃ Re-establish and grow research presence at our NT regional campuses.
˃ Maximise the uptake and adoption of research outputs.
˃ Build capacity and shared understanding of research impact measurement to maximise the benefits of CDU’s research.

2. Addressing government, industry and community priorities
˃ Focus on our recognised research strengths: health, environment, social science, public policy, First Nations, energy and resources.
˃ Become a global hub of tropical and arid-zone
environmental knowledge, including sustainability.
˃ Deliver research outputs that address key government policy agendas.
˃ Establish external end-user advisory bodies for our research institutes.

3. Research that delivers economic, social and cultural benefits to Australia’s First Nations peoples
˃ Engage and partner with First Nations peak bodies, businesses and communities to identify research needs.
˃ Embed the principle of ‘two ways learning’ in our First Nations research.

4. Increasing research revenue and quality
˃ Build on our successful strategy of multipartner consortia co-investment to secure competitive research and innovation funding.
˃ Increase our focus on securing industry income and business development.
˃ Increase our capability to secure Tier 1 research funding.

5. Increasing Higher Degree Research (HDR) completions
˃ Invest in Early Career Researcher and supervisor training.
˃ Invest in additional scholarship funding with end-user partners.
˃ Invest in the HDR student experience through the provision of targeted support services and systems.
˃ Provide every HDR student with the possibility of an industry internship.

6. Improving quality and impact of research outputs
˃ Target support for developing areas to improve quality and impact of research in areas that are currently not ranked at or above world standard.
˃ Measure the impact and uptake of our research outputs by end-users.
˃ Increase the number of Q1 or equivalent publications.
˃ Increase the visibility of CDU research in quality national and international media outlets.
˃ Increase open access availability of our research outputs.

Related Plans:
Core Plans
˃ Research Plan
˃ Student Experience and Success Plan
˃ Engagement and Partnership Plan
Enabling Plans
˃ Digital Transformation and Capability Plan