Goal 1
Enhance delivery and expand opportunities in regional, rural and remote training and education.

We will do this by:
1. Expanding course offerings in regional, rural and remote locations
˃ Make relevant courses accessible to all Northern Territorians, no matter where they live.
˃ Reinvigorate the Mobile Adult Learning Units (MALUs) to deliver training remotely and on Country.
˃ Develop new modes and models for delivery using the latest technology to export our course offerings to other locations.
˃ Introduce short courses and training packages to address the needs of communities in regional, rural and remote locations.
2. Growing student enrolments and completions
˃ Widen participation for regional, rural and remote school students, including through our schools’ engagement activities and the VET in Schools program.
˃ Provide effective bridging, pathways and skills foundations programs to scaffold and support non-traditional students.
˃ Design innovative and effective learner support initiatives to improve completion rates.
3. Meeting the health and medical workforce needs of Northern Australia
˃ Explore the development of authentic and autonomous health workforce training programs.
˃ Expand Nursing programs in the NT, including a Diploma of Nursing.
˃ Respond to the requirements of the postpandemic
4. Meeting the professional workforce needs of the Northern Territory
˃ Work in partnership with the Northern Territory Government to meet the priority workforce needs of the NT.
˃ Ensure course offerings are delivering employment outcomes to meet the skills gaps of our regions.
5. Meeting the technical and trade workforce needs of the Northern Territory
˃ Diversify VET offerings and grow VET income.
˃ Transition from provider to partner by adopting a shift in approach where CDU leverages all of its assets to deliver industry-relevant solutions rather than training
provision alone.
˃ Be accessible and consistent in delivery, balancing the need for flexibility with the need for coordination and structure.
Related Plans:
Core Plans
˃ Vocational Education and Training Plan
˃ Transformative Teaching and Learning Plan
˃ Student Experience and Success Plan
˃ Engagement and Partnership Plan
Enabling Plans
˃ Regional and Remote Delivery Plan
˃ Digital Transformation and Capability Plan